2016 media sum-up

Mar 05, 2017 14:35

Totals: 38 books, 27 movies, 12 seasons of TV, 50 volumes of manga, 72 seasons of anime, 4 anime movies. Zero video games, yipes.

The standout was obviously finishing up Star Trek TOS + animated series + TOS movies. It's not life-changing or anything but mostly solid, very forward-looking, and I think more sophisticated than its reputation. There's some good TV there. Also on the movie front, The Barkley Marathons really is as good as everybody says and worth the time for any runner.

On the anime side, Heavy Object is maybe a bit heavy on "competence porn" but a very well put-together (except the hastily-assembled conclusion) piece of military sci-fi. Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou gets this year's "this could only work in anime" award. Orange was probably the manga highlight, a fairly simple story but very well put-together and pretty sweet.

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