My closest RL friend has just given birth to a baby boy and, less than an hour old, the kiddo already has pictures up on Facebook. (Congrats to kiddo's mom and dad!)
It just occurred to me that 15-20 years from now, when kiddo's dating-- the whole "share embarrassing baby pictures to your potential significant other" is going to take on a
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B: I boggle all the time about the storage media available. Remember when a computer with a 512 mb drive was big? And now I have an SD card with 4 gigs of space, and you can get thumb drives of 64 and more, the hard drive in this laptop has 500 gigs, and you can get a 1.5 or 2 terabyte hard drive for not all that much money, relatively speaking. My brain, it 'splodes.
C: my 3 year old (ok, almost 4. But 3 for now.) likes to send text messages and play games on my iPhone. I shall let that statement speak for itself, because it says a lot.
I remember that my first computer had a 12G hardrive, and I installed a secondary that had 13G. I also remember thinking there was no way I would ever fill that much space. :P
I just bought a netbook with a 160G hard drive, and an external drive with 500G (paid $70 for it). I STILL WORRY I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE ENOUGH SPACE. *facepalm* You know, because those Word documents, they add up so quickly. ;)
Am I the only one who doesn't trust the cloud? I can remember the world of pre-internet, and when I see all those techno-kids nattering on about Chrome I think "No! Don't trust the cloud!" I mean...geez, where does your stuff GO? What if the cloud fails? What if you can't get to your documents because you didn't back them up to your seven different hard drives? WHAT IF GOOGLE GETS HACKED AND WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO AOL?
*thinks perhaps there is something wrong with her brain*
We have a few 500GB external drives (because yes, we fear not having enough space! how can this not be a real fear?), but don't want to buy the 1TB ones because... what if one of them fails!? You could stand to loose 1TB of data at one go. I fear we might go on a personal data overload, though.
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