The Truth Is Out There

Jan 18, 2008 13:31

Kindly imagine the theme song playing. XD

I'm not as intensely excited about this as I would be five (or maybe even ten) years ago, but I am pleased. I adored Mulder and Scully. They are one of my earliest favorite couples; how two people can just compliment each other, be partners (and not just in the FBI sense), etc, etc etc.

I didn't really like how the series ended (or those last few seasons, for that matter), but Mulder and Scully will forever have a special place in couple-dom for me. Chris Carter said it right:

"For me, The X-Files has always been a romance," he says. "They had an intellectual romance that's very rare and restrained compared to so many relationships on TV. I think that's what appealed most to the fans. And they're back."
-- Chris Carter quoted in First look: 'X-Files' returns to theaters, minus alien mythology. USA Today.

(Personally, I don't quite think Chris Carter knew what to do with the romance once he set it up-- but that's neither here nor there.)

What struck me most, however, was the following quote (in the same article):

"There's a whole audience I want to introduce X-Files to," Carter says. "There were kids who couldn't watch it on TV because it was too scary. Now they're in college. I wanted a movie that everyone could go to."

::blinks, blinks:: Seriously? ... And then I went on IMDB and noted that while it ended on 2002, it started in 1993 (I remember this! Ah, youth! ) ... and he's right. The kids in college now were probably too young to be watching X-Files when it first started.  Huh. Woo, now I feel old.

Ah, X-Files, you were such a big part of my youth. (I remember the Gossamer X-Files fanfic archives, too. Man, I think they're still around, too.)

Additional acknowledgments: Picture also from USA Today article.

movies, tv

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