Challenge #2 started!
Some of images provided are not really in HQ, but good enough to be made as icon :D
Moreover I like all of them xD
And ah, pay attention to the deadline~
jnew_icontest has new layout 8D*
☺ You may enter up to 3 icons. And it's better to make 3 anyways :D.
☺ Use only the images provided.
☺ You may blend images
☺ You may use any brushes, textures, text, etc. you like.
☺ Your icons should meet LJ standards. Not more than 100x100 pixels and no more than 40k.
☺ Do not use old icons
☺ Do not post your icon anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced.
☺ No animation
☺ I'm, the mod, can participate if I wanted to.
☺ Upload your icons somewhere such as imageshack, tinypic, or photobucket
images credit to baidu.
Submission format:
url: you can use the code below if you want to.
url: insert url here
Deadline: 3rd June, 11.59 PM.
entries: 11
comments are screened.