Well, I turn 30 in December, but it's been freaking me out since I turned 29. I'm not taking it well, ladies.
Right now, I'm obsessing over a party. It's totally irrational. I think it's because I can't stop myself turning 30, but I can at least control that. I'm obsessing because I have a very clear idea of what I DON'T want to happen, but I'm worried that if I don't take charge I'll get the party I don't want.
I worry because I have a history of bad birthdays. At best, I almost always have to work on my birthday. And when I say work, I don't mean 9 to 5. I mean I've got a show and it's in dress rehearsal or strike and I'm pulling a 12 -14 hour day for that day and the entire week preceeding it. Then, there's that my birthday is in December, so everyone is busy with Christmas so they all forget about me and I get the lame ass "oh this is your birthday AND Chirstmas present, so it's really nice" but it's really a cheep piece of crap that isn't any nicer than anyone else's Chirstmas present. When I turned 16, I had a fight with my Dad over my party which resulted in me not having any party at all. Nothing for 21, either. 2 years ago, I almost didn't even get a cake because Cory forgot and no one else remembered either. He had to go out at like 10pm to see if he could buy one. I felt like such an afterthought.
So, this year, I want a party! And I want a good one. But, the problem is my birthday falls right in the middle of finals and Cory will be very busy teaching and preparing for going to Barbuda in January. So, I don't know how much I can rely on him. I also worry that then my MIL will take over. Now, don't get me wrong, she can be a loving, generous woman. But the last time she threw me a surprise party was my shower, and not only did I know about it way in advance, I had to leave the house all freaking day because it was HERE and she couldn't get he act together so she kept calling Cory and we had to stay away 2 hours longer than expected and NONE of my friends were invited. These are all things I don't want to happen for my 30th birthday.
Ladies, I feel I need to take charge, and I believe that I don't want a surprise. At the very least, I will be sure to collect a list of MY friends I want invited. I've even been thinking about where to go. A few years back, we went to
Waikiki Wally's for a friend's birthday. They have party packages that are as little as $9 pp. I'm also considering
Bowlmor Lanes, but I think their party packages would be much more. I'd probably just find out how many people can go and just reserve lanes. I just want to have a good time and get a little wasted. Is that too much to ask?