May 09, 2008 10:04

ok so i decided, people who don't EVAR write in livejournal i am deleting...cuz it is kinda pointless if i'm the one alway sharing...i think atleast sometimes u should write something..or else what is the point of having a livejournal..just to read others? i don't think it works that way. atleast not for me. ive decided. so don't take offence if ive deleted you...i'm not going to do this right away...but it warned..muahahaha..yeah im lame...IM MANGI THO, I KILLED WOMANGI JNEL. SHEZ SOMEWHERE IN A CORNER. ahkjsfhakjshf.

sjdhfjksdahf new swears in the mail. now i need to figure out what to wear with them. :D i am 4 inches taller tho...weird...hahahashfkja.

they got here super fast from the UK. i was so amazed.
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