I've had lots of people add me to their friends list lately to follow my fan fictions, so I thought I'd do a welcome post.
Friending Policy:
Please feel free to friend me if you are interested in my fan fiction or other fandom thoughts/discussions. I normally only friend back if I know you from numerous exchanges because I barely have time to keep up with my current f-list. So don't feel bad if I don't friend back. I'm still happy to have you here.
My Fandoms:
I have written numerous fan fictions for both Harry Potter and Star Trek, as well as a few for Heroes (Volumes 1-3; I couldn't make it through volume 4), and, most recently, Parks and Recreation. My stories are generally either het romances or genfic.
My Fanfiction Index
I sometimes discuss but have not written fics for: The Office (US), LOST, Battlestar Galactica, the Whedon-verse, and Arrested Development. I'm sure other shows and books will join that list as time goes on.
I am not always good at tagging, but I do try. So if you want to search for my various fandom discussions,
try my tags list. Other stuff:
I generally restrict my discussions on real life stuff and my original writing projects to a select group of friends. If you are interested in becoming a member of that group, comment on my fics frequently and start conversations with me. Let me get to know you. That's when I'll add you to my f-list.
Thanks for your interest in my writing and fandom thoughts. I look forward to meeting you all.