April/Andy drabble (Spoilers)

Jul 20, 2012 17:23

I tried to post this on Tumblr by my "read more" function wasn't working and I don't want to post a spoiler-inspired fic without hiding it. So here we are.

Washington D.C., outside. The day is warm and shorts-clad tourists walk by in the background.

APRIL (by herself): "So, Ben offered me a job to work for his campaign. And I didn't want to take it. Because I'd have to do things. And talk to people. And I hate doing things and talking to people. But then he told me that they'd pay me almost double the yearly salary I get in the Parks Department for just six months of work. And since Andy had to quit his job to start the Police Academy, we need the money." Pause. Camera zooms in on her face. "Especially 'cause we need to save up to have a baby."

ANDY (by himself): "They offered her a bleepload of money. Seriously. A huge, freaking bleepload of it. So I was like, Babe, you totally have to take that job. It'll suck not to be together, but we can do tons of Skype sex." Andy giggles. "Ben taught me how to use Skype. It's awesome. Really awesome. Whoever thought of making a way to have phone sex with cameras is a genius. So she took the job." Pause. His grin fades as he reacts to something someone behind the camera is saying. "She said what?" He chuckles nervously. "She wouldn't . . . Naw. She was just messing with you."

APRIL (by herself): "I wasn't joking. I never joke." Her face is bland and expressionless.

ANDY (by himself): Frowns and scratches his head. "Are you sure she said that? Because I . . . we . . . uh . . . excuse me a minute."

The camera tracks Andy as he walks over to April and they start talking animatedly in loud whispers. After a few moments April's lips curl into a slight smile, while Andy's jaw drops in an open-mouthed grin. He wraps his arms around April's waist, lifts her in the air and swings her in circles a few times.

ANDY (standing with his arm wrapped around April's shoulders. She continues to smile.): "We got it sorted out." He grins and winks broadly at the camera. They turn and walk away together.

note: This was inspired only by the photos. The baby thing is my own imagination.

parks and rec, fic

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