It's that gardening time of year

Mar 21, 2012 12:41

Last week I finished clearing all the dead perennial stems and foliage out of my flower beds, so now it's easy to see all my bulbs sprouting.

The crocuses that I naturalized in my lawn are already blooming, and some of my daffodils are budding--they'll bloom any day now!

The tulips also seem to be poking up already, and this warm weather might lead to the daffodils and tulips blooming at the same time. That'll be a lovely sight.

I just put seeds in the ground for lettuce, radishes, and sugar snap peas, and my rhubarb is coming up. I use the square foot garden method, partly because my yard is small and partly because it's so darn easy once you have it set up. Last year was my first year square foot gardening, and I had a bounty of peas, lettuce, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. I didn't plant my squash early enough, and slugs ate all my peppers. This year I'll plan better for the squashes, and I'll get my snail bait out sooner to save the peppers!

This is the second summer since I planted my rose garden, and I have high expectations. Most things I read indicate that they spend the first summer developing their roots and settling in, and they start to really shine the second or third summer. I'm super excited to see what happens!

I didn't do any garden pic-spams last year because I was too stressed being pregnant and broke, but now I am neither pregnant nor broke, so expect pretty garden pics in the not-too-distant future. I love my garden and can't wait to see it flourish this year.

gardening, real life

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