It's the LUSTY month of May! Let's review an AVENGERS MOVIE! woohoo:)

May 02, 2015 07:20

Yes! I m so relieved!

I just saw Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I am thrilled to say I was thrilled! I went into the movie with medium expectations because the first Avengers film, having built so carefully on the Iron-Man, Thor and Captain America movies, was pretty much unbeatable. It was and still is one of my favorite 10 movies of all time. I like it so much that it has “can't stop though I have it” power; like Empire Strikes Back and Rain Man, if I am flipping channels and I catch even a part of one of those films, I can't stop watching it, even though I could watch it any time because I have a copy of it with me.

In fact, the first film was so good that this 2nd film was almost bound to be a letdown, no matter how careful its writers were (and how cautiously we fans approached it). The first movie was the exciting story of how the Avengers became a team, and it was Joss Whedon's first handling of the characters and their backstories, which he did beautifully. It had a fresh WOW factor and smooth, comfortable feel that still shines to this day, 3 years later. My favorite parts of the 1st Avengers film were not usually the expensive, manic, amazing CGI action pieces, though they were magnificent. I prefered the interaction and conversation, the chemistry during calm moments of dialog between the superheroes. They stay grounded in our world and in humanity, and if they ever start to get cheesy, other characters call them on it with a sarcastic quip and exactly the right amount of eye-rolling.

I thought Whedon, who wrote AND directed both films, might have run out of ideas or funny lines, but he hasn't. Even better, he spreads the great zingers around the entire cast, none of whom phone in their performances. If these actors are not enjoying their roles in this project, then they fool me perfectly through the whole 2 hour running time of Ultron.

One of the best things about any movie is when it pays homage to previous blockbusters and source material, and this one does a lot of that. It has robots that call to mind Terminators (and therefore Sentinels), new characters that flatter X-Men and DC's The Flash (Quicksilver) and X-Men's Professor X (Scarlet Witch). Hawkeye's “Safe House” is nothing more than a perfectly recreated Kent Farm a la Smallville, complete with yellow colonial porch house and a cozy barn sitting at a right angle to it. The film's climax praises Superman again, this time with a sort of reverse-Lex Luthor Island threat, tipping the hat to Superman Returns. Black Widow once again knocks someone off a high building with relish, knowing it won't hurt him (see Winter Soldier), and her hallucination while under Scarlet Witch's power looks exactly like the weird boarding school from Bonnie Tyler's classic “Total Eclipse of the Heart” 80s music video. I also loved the cameo of the gorgeous 1940s dame Peggy Carter, love interest of Capt. America before his ice coma, when he was under the witch's spell. Then of course, the Hulk's Witch-induced rampage has so much art, architecture, and action in it that half the names in the credits were probably involved in its creation. Its collapse of a city building was a bit too close to September 11's WTC for my taste, but if filmmakers insist on doing it, at least Whedon and co. made it look and sound real (and this time we DO get to see a superhero make sure nobody goes down with the tower).

The characters and plot are great too, never trying to do too much NOR be too mysterious. Each character has his or her own arc, with some changing their mind (and stripes), some getting romantically involved (or trying to), some being the brunt of jokes, and others revealing personal surprises with just enough weight to add real drama, hold the melo. The conflict, which I could not imagine before watching it (a bunch of angry super-robots beating up the Avengers? No way), managed to be well-designed and compelling, a great 2nd act to the Chitari invasion of New York from the previous film.

Not everything could be in the film, of course, and I might have added a few little touches if I had written it. Not that it needed my ideas, but I was hoping that :
Quicksilver would have to stop and eat to power his speed, a la The Flash
Tony would at least talk to Pepper Potts at one point, even if Gwyneth Paltrow was not in the movie (this could have been done via text on a screen)
None of the superheroes would die (not spoiling who does, if anyone)
Hulk would say another word or two (a la “PUNY GOD.” from the first Avengers)
Falcon and Maria Hill would get more action/screen time

But there was so much to love. I can't wait to see the movie again, and that is my highest form of praise for a film: Re-Watchability. If a movie is re-watchable-- if it stands up to multiple, picky, increasingly familiar viewings, it becomes a favorite of mine. The Incredibles, The Matrix, Toy Story (all 3 of 'em) and The King's Speech are among those films I could watch any time, over and over, alone or with company. This new Avengers : Ultron is now, I'm happy to say, on that list.

Some of my favorite parts:
The “try to lift Thor's Hammer” bit that teased us in the Sneak Peak on YouTube (and the excellent corresponding gags and joke resolution to that bit)
War Machine's help, humor and attitude
Captain America's ridiculous magical shield boomeranging, ricocheting, and precision bouncing
The smooth and mostly secret return of Nick Fury and his coolest ride (was almost hoping Cap. would pay him another 10 bucks)
James Spader's haunting, cocky Ultron voice

I am, like all fans, hungry for more from these characters, but it's ok if it's not all in the same movie next time. Since I heard that Mr. Whedon won't be doing a 3rd Avengers, I don't mind waiting to see pairs and trios of these super-friends in future spinoff/sequel (or as they seem to call them now, “tent-pole”) films. I am really hoping we don't lose the iconic Robert Downey Junior as Tony Stark/Iron Man, because he seems to tie everything together, but as long as we have Evans' Captain, Ruffalo's Dr. Banner, Hemsworth's Thor, and most importantly, eye-candy-with-brains Scarlett Johannson, it's ok if the whole gang is not together on screen for awhile. As I said, I have some serious re-watching to do already; that should keep me busy.

Thanks Joss. Thanks everybody!

movie, marvel, film, super hero, review, avengers

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