Jul 09, 2004 01:04
It has been forever since I've written; I have been out traveling the world, meeting people, engaging in great conversations, and taking way too many pictures. When I signed up for the masses of trips I would be taking this summer, I knew they would be a great way for me to learn all the worldly lessons I have been yearning to experience. I wish that I could sum up in a nice and neat paragraph the magnitude that has been my summer, but alas I am chained by the directness of the English language. I am left with badly developed pictures and warmed over stories that everyone has grown tired of hearing. What I know for sure is this: I must never stop learning. Simple as it may sound, it was not until my two AM discussion with Dr. Jim from CA that I realized just how badly I want to know EVERYTHING. I mean that. EVERYTHING.
And this desire brings me to my current problem. What am I supposed to major in? I know everyone says it doesn't matter until your second year anyway, BUT I CANNOT work like that. I JUST CAN'T. My problem is that all I really want to do is break out of my southern pre-fabricated upper white class suburban mold and make a life for myself. I DONT WANT TO fall in love in college, get married when I graduate, choose one career for the rest of my life, and have lots of babies. I ESPECIALLY DO NOT WANT LOTS OF BABIES. (Note to all of you crazed maternal chicks: CHILDREN ARE FOREVER). My biggest pet-peeve about capitalist America is the way everyone asks, "What do you do?" The appropriate answer to this question being, "I'm a lawyer, doctor, prostitute, garbageman, executive VP, etc." MY CAREER WILL NOT DEFINE ME. Why can't the answer to this question be, "I have four bright kids and a beautiful wife and from 9-5 I work in a law office." Again I reiterate: my career will not define me! To be honest I don't foresee myself having one little career.
I have comprised a list of all the things I wish to have as a career by age 25:
Missionary in Spain
Bus Driver
Nursing Home Director
Camp Counselor/Coordinator/MC
Casino Dealer (I'm not kidding)
Youth Minister
Hispanic Ministries
Drama Ministries
Special Ed Work
The sad thing is this is really only a few. I know everyone has dreams. I know everyone says pick the one you want the most. Might as well tell me to be a minister's wife. That would be a viable option I'm sure, but I DONT EVEN KNOW IF I WANT TO GET MARRIED. So this is my new plan:
I'll create a center for underprivaleged, elderly, Hispanics where they can live, learn about jesus, enjoy a daily Cosmopolitan, get the occasional trim, play a few rousing games of blackjack, and watch neighborhood kids perform Othello and other badly directed plays.
What's worse than having no dream? Having too many. And I still have to pick a direction to go in college. Life is so much fun!
So this was originally about catching up... reviewing the past month and summarizing its lessons. In all honesty the last month has taught me more than I could have ever asked and all the while I am simply catching on to the roller coaster of decisions that we must all ride.