Thunder, Perfect LOL

May 13, 2008 21:07

So there's a Gnostic poem of the divine feminine called Thunder, Perfect Mind. (If you haven't read it, please do - it's beautiful. May it lend you strength for that which is below.)

However, that divine progenitress of Bad Taste Bhakti, jessicamelusine, just couldn't leave well enough alone....

Ceilingcat sended me.
I haz come to kittehs who reflectid on me.
I am finded with kittehs who lookd for me.
Look at me,k? Listen me, k?
You who iz waitng grabz me
No makez me invisibul.
No your mouf hatez me, no your earz hatez me.
No ignore me. Iz FAIL.
OMG! Look out!
No ignore me. Iz FAIL.

I iz first and last,
Dey honorz me, dey scornz me.
Iz ho. Iz ceiling catz.
Iz wife. Iz vurgn.
Iz mom. Iz bebe.
Iz mompartz.
I no haz kittehs. I haz lotz of boikittehs.
Iz bridezillah. No can haz husband.
I iz midwife.I no haz kittehs.
I helpz mah own labor painz.
Iz bride. Iz bridegroom.
Huzband iz dad. OMGWTFBBQ?!

But wait... there's still more wrongness in the original post.

linkage, gnosticism, funny, thelema

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