Quick Update on Unbound

Oct 24, 2006 20:24

My hands are full lately, revising and editing my novella as well as doing some editing work, but I've taken some time to reorganize a few things.

Confessions of an L/Ler will:

1. Continue to carry weekly and monthly reviews. 
2. Continue to feature L/L trivia, character and relationship analyses.

Confessions Unbound will:

1. Continue to hold unrefined, unedited paragraphs deleted from Confession's reviews. 
2. Continue to feature updates on my non-SV writing projects. Note that these posts will be immediately friends-locked. 
3. Have essays which are retrospectives on various episodes and L/L scenes. The ability to place such long pieces "behind the cut" is the main reason why I'm posting these essays here.

The journals will continue to work in tandem, with Confessions of an L/Ler remaining the main journal.
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