Feb 11, 2008 14:57
It's snowing... again... so far we've gotten an estimated 2 feet of snow. It means you can't go anywhere, do anything, have any friends. Now this actually does not concern me because I'm a creature of habit, and none of my habits involve the outdoors, and only one of them truely involves other people. In complete honesty the simple fact is, I don't miss anything due to the weather, well except I miss the fact taht I was frequently the only one in the house.
Really this entry has no validity. I'm neither happier or sadder due to the influence of these events. Honestly the fact that I typed this out to inform people who I never see about the current, excessive, uninterestingness of my life.
To those of you I miss, I miss you, to those of you I love, I love you, to those of you who came upon this randomly. I'm sorry, but I'm no longer the self destructive whore of the internet I used to be. I don't crave your comments or attention.
Who knows if I'll ever use this again.