Reasons why I hate Rose Tyler

Jan 24, 2011 18:14

1. She's selfish as all hell. a) She'd let two universes collapse just so she can be with the Doctor, even though he'd already warned her about that (twice). It's one thing to be persistent, completely another to just not give a shit about anyone else. b) She constnatly abandoned her loving mother and devoted boyfriend without so much as a goodbye. c) In the finale of series 4 when she's watching everyone do their video conference thingy, she gets upset when Martha mentions she was once the Doctor's companion. What does she say? "I was there first." Yeah, well, Sarah Jane came before you, and I have more to say on her in a bit. So don't act like a bitch just because you're not in on the phone call and are mad because your "boyfriend" knows other females who are just as or even better looking than you. That woman had to put up with so much agony and heartache and terror for at least two years and was about to blow up the planet, and you're bitching about who was where first? -exaggerated eyeroll- d) She's freakin' selfish. It bears repeating.

2. She not only back-talked to Sarah Jane in "School Reunion", she tried to turn it into a pissing match when the older woman had only said "hello". Don't ever talk back to Sarah Jane, bitch. (Yeah, I've only seen the newer episodes with her in them and haven't gotten around to watching the few episodes of her own show I've got, but dammit, I like the woman and I don't like someone like Rose talking to her like that :3).

3. She thinks she can have the security of Mickey AND the excitement of the Doctor at the same time. It doesn't work like that. She kep stringning Mickey along rather than be honest and say she'd found someone else and they could be friends but nothing more. Mickey is partially at fault for not ending it himself when he knew she didn't love him anymore (I believe this realization hits him a few episodes into series 2, but I don't remember exactly), but some kind of finality from her would have been appreciated. And a better attitude when he asked to come along on an adventure (bitch); he'd gotten over his initial fear of the Doctor and the TARDIS, and who wouldn't want to go traveling through the stars with all of time at your fingertips? I've got more to say on Mickey later about else, too. Anyway, when you have something good that you don't value, you don't deserve it. Mickey may not have been the brightest bulb in the bunch, but he was a good man who deeply cared for Rose and gave up everything to stay with her (his sense of security, his life in the "Main" universe to live in Pete's World, his innocence in matters of life and death, etc).

4. Because of her, Martha had to suffer living in her shadow. This is more the fault of the Doctor, and I'm sure I'll be posting about it, too at some point. Martha was a good person, compassionate, kind, brave, intelligent, skilled, determined, etc. Throughout the third series she had men falling for her in nearly every time she went to (Shakespeare, Frank, Jack (but he'll have sex with anything with a pulse, so I guess he doesn't count xD), Riley Vashtee) yet she still returned to the Doctor, love and affection and admiration almost pouring from her when she looked at him. And what does he do? Constantly compare her to Rose, even though the latter is perfectly safe and living out her life with the family she never really had, ignore her, lie to her, and overall just be a jerk. All he had to do was be honest with her rather than hide behind lies and half-truths and things may have turned out differently for everyone; maybe Martha's story would had a better ending than it did (which is something I definitely want to address later). Yeah yeah, I'm partial to Martha, but that doesn't change the fact that Rose is at least partially to blame for her mistreatment at the hands of the Time Lord. I can blame both of them in the meantime :P

5. Even when she has the Doctor's double she's not happy. She's a spoiled brat yet again. Here he is offering her the part of himself that will be able to love her as she wants, and even whispers that he loves her. She kisses him with gusto like she would the real Doctor, then is shocked when the real one has left to save the universes (again). They'd done this before, so did she really think he was going to stay just for her and endanger everything? He may have been a jerk, but he's not stupid and greedy and careless. Also, Mickey's still in love with her (for god knows what reason) and has to watch this. She had no consideration for him when she first said goodbye to the Doctor (when she told him she loved him and broke down in sobs on the beach when he disappeared), and she had none then. That's when he finally manned up and left that universe and ended up marrying Martha (which is good, but horrible at the same time, which I want to talk about later).

6) I just plain hate her. I liked her in the first season, really I did. But then she became such a freakin' bitch. I understand the subplot of her being attracted to the Doctor (who isn't on some level?), but whens he became his "needy girlfriend", as said by Stephen Moffat whom I love just for saying that, any love I had for her just died.

I don't understand why so many fans of the show are also fans of Rose, but maybe that's because I started watching series 3 first, then on through the end of 5, then back to 1 when BBC America started over. Yes, I'll concede that she was a very important part of the Doctor's life and therefore of the show, but I never really felt any connection to her like I do with Martha or Donna or even Amy.

Anyway, I've got plenty more reasons I don't like her, but I'm too tired and lazy to type them all out in detail.

Just sayin :3 

rose tyler, bbc, martha jones, fandom, tv, television, sci-fi, doctor who

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