Aug 07, 2010 16:04
I'm leaving my house for work today and I see our horses standing awfully close to the fence (which has electric tape running along the top to keep people from reaching over and keep the horses from barging through to get at the grass on the other side). I look closer and see this guy with a kid on his shoulders standing in front of them. Now, our closest neighbor is about 500 feet away and there are trees separating our property, so it's not like this guy just happened to wander over. No, he was doing something. It pissed me off to no end. He left before I could start yelling at him, but I don't know what he was doing and I don't like that.
I may be over-reacting, but I don't like when total strangers come up to our horses, especially with kids. How do I know you're not trying to poison my animals? Or if you or your child get bit or electrocuted and you try to sue us? This isn't the first time it's happened, so I'm looking for signs to keep people away from our fence period. And if they still come over, then I and my family have every right to enforce our rights to protect our animals.
Seriously, why would you approach a large animal you don't know and whose owners YOU DON'T KNOW? Our horses are pretty docile, but you don't know that. They could be biters for all you know and take your fingers right off. Or they could be on strict diets and your friendly snacks might give them colic, which was something that ended up killing one of our other horses. Or, again, you might be poisoning them just for kicks. And before you even get to my horses you might shock yourself into next week on the electric tape (that shit hurts). We're not responsible for your idiocy.
It just pisses me off that people think they can do whatever they want with other people's animals. You wouldn't let me go up to your child and feed them and "play" with them, would you? Didn't think so. So keep your hands away from my horses, dipshit.
pet protection,