Jul 10, 2010 22:11

I finally have some news on the Hellsing OVAs (aka Hellsing Ultimate) since being acquired for distribution by FUNimation!!!! In my (sorta) weekly newsletter from Rob's Anime Corner Store he announced that at AX last weekend FUNi had FINALLY picked up the rights to volumes 5-7!!!

ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!! Every time I've been at a con where FUNi was doing a panel or had some kind of official representative I've asked them "sooooooo when're you guys releasing the Hellsing OVAs?" alwasy to be met with a "idunno" -headdesk-

Well now that time is OVAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Well, still gotta wait until 2011, but at least it's something! I think there may only be 7 volumes of the OVA (I don't watch things before they're released over here), which makes me a bit sad because I personally wanted it to be truly one volume per book (and there's 10 books for a finished series), but I'll take what I can get!

-sigh- Now I can't wait to see the final epic battle in beautiful, bloody color on mah moving-picture-box machine -bounces in anticipation-

hellsing ova, hellsing ultimate, anime, hellsing, dvd, manga, 2011, funimation, funi, ova

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