Happy Weekend

Oct 15, 2006 19:43

Friday was the Sturtivant fiasco, where a cute woman sat in my lap and told me that she had lots of "fuck buddies." She was pretty drunk. I was too, but I beat a hasty retreat.

Saturday I overslept and met the Keathlys at the apple orchard, which was less apple orchardy than I had expected. We left early. The party was the sort of mild fun that non-Halloween Keathly parties seem to obtain easily. Lisa's beef stew was consumed (by me) at obscene rates. Zach and Paul came over and we commiserated on the vast quantities of alcohol that we had each consumed the evening before. Last night we stuck to non-alcoholic apple cider, which seemed to have its own intoxicating effects. Zach wondered if maybe he had just hit a pocket of alcohol in his system. I think it was the cardamom.

Eventually Lisa got my acoustic guitar out of the basement so it could be played. Zach, Paul, and I made it through three songs before clawing out our own eyes and vomiting acid blood. We beat feet to the basement for a little Metalocalypse.

If only I would have had the Dethtroll episode cued up:
Murderface: What are those wooden things? Chairs?
Barkeep: They are acoustic instruments.
Toki: What is acoustic? Oh! You mean a grandpa's guitars?
Skwisgaar: A grandpa's guitars? That's for pussies and grandpas, I think you know it.
Barkeep: It's your only choice, I'm afraid.
Pickles: Whoah, this is a tough one guys.
Nathan: Pickles is right, we have a tough choice. Playing acoustic is totally lame and not metal. But then again, if we don't put that troll back to sleep, we may never be able to check our e-mail with high speed DSL again.

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