May 21, 2005 12:15
So as you all know (or don't know, haha) I finally turned 21 (aka I'm legal now)... and it wasn't such a bad birthday at all...I didn't go get myself trashed like half the dumb Americans who celebrate in the States. Instead, I had a few friends over for cake which included a few surprise visitors (Gilberto, Issei, Johann, und Mami) das war auch ganz nett.
But was also unexpected was early in the morning at 9:15 my doorbell rang; I went to answer and there stood Maren and Sandra with a cake lit with candles and they sung a German birthday song to was great! (INSERT: In Germany it's a tradition that the person who has a birthday bakes his/her own cake. I had baked an apple pie (everyone wanted me to do that for a long time) as well as a pretty plain cake with chocolate icing). So I had already two cakes made and had just received a third from Maren and Sandra...was nice!!!
I went to the university with horrible back pains (I have Hexenschuss which is lumbago in English)...and basically SUCKS! So that didn't make my birthday anymore enjoyable, but I dealt with it. I got to the university and went to office hours for a class, then met up with Julia, a German friend at the cafe and she gave me a children's birthday book and a card for my birthday and we hung out for a bit before she had class. Then I just killed time until 2:30pm when I had my German/English translation class... afterwards I talked to Lenaik and then headed on home to relax for a little bit. Then back to the university at 5:30pm to check email quickly and then to watch Frisbee practice, since I can't play (HEXENSCHUSS). I saw all my Frisbee buddies which was nice and a good number of them figured out from someone that I had a birthday and all wished me Happy Birthday.
I headed back home at 7:30pm and got the cakes ready and then friends showed up around 8:30pm...including my 5 surprise visitors and then Maren (once again prepared) got out her Wunderkerzen (sparklers) and they all lit them and waved them around and sung Happy was great. Then it was time to dive into cake...and I got wine from Johann and Sekt (sparkling wine) from Steffi! We had a good time joking around in the garden and talking about everything. Gülya gave me a pack of Schwarzer Peter cards (a children's card game = fun)...
We all moved up to my room around 10 because it was getting cold and then we made tea and played Schwarzer Peter a couple of times. And finally around 11:30 the party wrapped up and everyone headed out.
Must say, it was a good time and I have the best friends of both worlds - in the US and in Germany!
P.S. Congrats to the 2 friends back home who managed to remember my birthday, haha!