
Camping trip DELAYED

Mar 18, 2009 14:45

Ellen has had a death in the family and we will NOT have use of her land this weekend unfortunately. I know a lot of you have taken off time from work, bought camping equipment and giving me money for beer and I'm really sorry to have to do this. We looked around but with this being so last minute we're not able to find a replacement site.

Instead what we're going to do is push the trip back until sometime in May, I'm not giving a definite date because we're going to change the location to land owned by Jenn Small's family near Greensboro in Jamestown NC and we need to get a weekend that will for for them.

For those of you that have given me money for kegs if you plan to stick it out with us I can hold onto it until then or I can refund you, its up to you.

I'm worried that some might not get this message before Friday, please spread the word around as much as possible.
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