
(no subject)

Dec 08, 2008 10:51

Me: Hey we're wondering if its safe to add this guy's email address to the block list because he's been getting spam saying its coming from his address. I'm calling for company x, account number 6666666666
Phone Guy: Ok, what is your name sir
Me: Justin
Phone Guy: Ok, well we don't have you listed as a contact for this account
Me: Oh that's ok my boss Chris Lefler and the company owner blah blah are listed because you only allow 2 contacts but I know the answer to the secret question, its Charlotte.
Phone Guy: I'm sorry sir but unless you can get one of them on the line I can't help you
Me: Fine

30 seconds later

Me: Hi this is Chris Lefler calling for company x, account number 66666666. Secret question answer is Charlotte
Phone Guy: Hello Chris what can I help you with.

Please waste more of my time, I hate actually getting anything done. YOU DUMB ASSHOLES.
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