You Are Hearing Me Talk... about Warhammer 40,000 & William Gibson

Dec 17, 2014 12:17

I'm around on the web once more this month, talking about two very different subjects for two very different podcasts....

Over at Fifty Shades of Geek, genial hosts EJ and Greg interviewed me about my work for the Horus Heresy series in general and my new Garro audio drama Shield of Lies in particular. Click Here to listen.

I also participated in a show broadcast on BBC Radio Five Live, as part of their 'Game On' stream presented by my old mate Adam Rosser, discussing the works of author William Gibson and his new book The Peripheral. You can click Here to listen to it as part of the Beeb's Let's Talk About Tech podcast series, and hear me talk about Gibson's influence on my writing before Adam chats to the man himself.


40k, writing, books

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