French Gypsy Jazz and Pubs

May 20, 2007 09:56

This afternoon, after I rolled out of bed around noon and made some lunch (yeah, uni being over is great...) I betook myself into the rare but lovely Welsh sunshine and went on a Swansea excursion. My main purpose was to seek out the Dylan Thomas Center and buy a poster I'd seen hanging in the Swansea train station which I fancied. So found it I did and got my poster and also found this really nice necklace a local artist made. Basically she took a two pence, and with some kind of paint made a flowery design on the front. It's really cute and enjoyable. Unfortunately I hadn't the cash to buy it just then, but I plan to go back this week.

As it was such a nice day and the walk to the Dylan Thomas center being so lovely along the marina, I decided to go to Cafe Cesso and take a coffee. So I settled myself with my journal and was entertained by a musical group by the name of Swing Junction which plays French "gypsy jazz". It was amazing because I was sitting there, thinking how much like the music from Chocolat  their sound is when they began playing tunes from the film. So I went up after their set and asked if they were selling CD's, which unfortunately they were not. But they are in the process of making one and the lead guitarist gave me their website and told me to check it out and request a CD and they'll send them out. So that's cool. other news, last night the Glamorgan, the Argyle Street pub, had it's grand re-opening and like, everyone I know in Swansea was there for the free buffet. (Starving college students, you know...) Then we spent the rest of the night in the Brynymor. Good times.
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