172,800 seconds = 2,800 minutes = 48 hours = 2 days

Mar 30, 2006 23:32

in the past :

my professor/advisor basically ingored me in one class (he glanced at me about six times in a four-person class)

cried (hard) from frustration over the fact that my boyfriend is constantly talking about how hot other girls are

almost hit a pedestrian with my car

dave called me to say he may have been close to getting arrested for taking pictures (lurking in his sketchy mexican-ness) and that he probably should cut his hair to do his job better!

aaron (my roomate) played somewhere over the rainbow on his keyboard, and i enjoyed it (aaron is really good at keyboard/piano)

read a bunch of theories on global warming and decided on the best one. i also developed a catch phrase "we should have farmed and fucked till the end of human existance" (regarding the fact that humans may have nudged global warming foward with the advent of their machines in the IR)

learned that thermophillic bacteria may have existed under antartica a one time

enjoyed Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon in entireity.

conversed with Shannon (and her roomates via Shannon) about my plan to present a sword to PhD quest-ers. Shannon's roomie suggests a crystal ball, and was "i was disappointed that philosophy wouldnt get a sword...all majors could use swords" (I suggested that writing based majors only get leatherbound journals and quills). I concluded the optimum combination is a crystal ball presented by the institution to the mentee at the time of application to the PhD program. An engraved sword, presented by the institution at time of acceptance to the PhD quest, and a leather journal and quill, presented by the PhD quest mentor to the mentee.

it was suggested to me that i murder my current roomates and begin my excapade into the life of running a brothel. i do think the living room would look nice painted a deep red.

managed to fall onto my bed strangly and hurt my tailbone.

discussed project topics for a course with my advisor and found a solid topic (regarding the causes of an increase in low flows in New England and Midwest rivers)

walked two loops around havard square to try and calm down, but found that walking just made me more angry.

dave defended his straightness with "dudes can cook". "and have girl hair!" gay.

cooked a scrumptous dinner of spinach and cheese ravolli, shrimp, and brocelli. delicious.
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