Introduction & Masterpost

Aug 30, 2012 01:01

Dear fangirls/fanboys,

If you came across this journal, most probably, you are a fan of Arashi. Or maybe you just lurk here coincidentally. I will not explain what Arashi is. Please google a bit, and you will probably have a better idea by doing that.

I write het fics for an Arashi member (Matsumoto Jun, who is my favorite) which also includes the other members as well. I don't write yaoi and I don't have an OTP (I know, my life is so depressing XD) and that's why you will find OC (Original Character) in my fics. But be rest assured, those OCs are not based on me. Or anyone in RL (perhaps I am basing it to some random people I know). They are what they are as the name suggest, fictional. Are they believable? It is for you, readers, to decide.

English is a second language to me, though I've studied it for more than 20 years. So for those who can't stand unintentional silly grammar mistakes and slightly weird English expressions, perhaps you won't be able to enjoy my fics ^^ I also don't beta-read them because as soon as I finish writing something, I post it straight away. Consider it as a character flaw.

All personal posts are friend-locked. Please leave a comment and introduce yourself if you would like to be added. You know, because they are personal. But most of the personal entries are self-centered anyways LOL So I don't think many would be interested in reading it.

All fics are public but I set it as an adult content at some chaps so LJ put it under the cut or won't allow you to read it if LJ knows your age is below the prerequisite. I suggest to sign out first if you REALLY want to read it. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Below is the links to the masterpost of my fics.

ON/OFF Screen [Completed]
Author: jmonogatari  
Pairings: Matsumoto Jun X Original Character, Ninomiya Kazunari X Original Character (in some chapters only)
Rating: PG-13
Length: 24 Chapters
Summary: Kitashiro Rei is climbing up the ladder of being a leading actress. After some years of being in the shadows, she finally landed on a small role that actually have lines and some spotlight, in the arms of the Matsumoto Jun. In which Matsujun will never confess (or would he?) until one of the closest person to him in his life takes the role of the rival. Inspired by that one HNA episode where Kiritani Mirei guested in HNA.

Flight 109 - Destination: First Love [Completed]
Author: jmonogatari , inspired by yeppie
Pairing: Matsumoto Jun X Original Character
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chaptered/Series
Summary: Matsumoto Jun is on his way to see his current girlfriend whom he misses so much. But the flight fails to take him to his current love and happiness. Instead it flies him down to the path of memory lane. To watch the clouds in the sky dancing with those bittersweet memories.
A sort of continuation to my previous fic ON/OFF Screen but a completely different story that you can enjoy without reading the previous one.

And some fics that I have read and loved.


Decided to keep a list of some fics I really, really love. I don't read much fluff and I only read yaoi when it is crack (I am expanding the genre I am reading), so if you think that there's a good fic that you can recommend along the lines of this fics I listed, please let me know! Oh and I am very Jun biased so I don't read much when Jun isn't the main character (aside from gen and crack fic).

As I haven't read all the fics out there (and there are some of my favorite I haven't been able to track back the link as well), i will keep updating this. And I do refrain myself from listing an incomplete ongoing fics (but I've made some exceptions since some of them haven't been updated for a while but I still like re-reading them as it is).

Maotsujun Fics

Ouji & Hime by yamapiggychuu  [chaptered, completed]
AU, Jun & Mao in an arranged engagement, from hate to love. Prepare tissues before reading.

Memento of Ours by yamapiggychuu [ongoing]
AU, JunMaoPi, Jun, who is a mafia leader, and Mao, daughter of a mafia leader, fall into angst-love with a dark shadow of the past. Prepare tissues before reading.

Unsuspecting Afternoons & Kiss and Tell by yamapiggychuu  [one-shots]
AU, Mao and Jun are lab partners turn star crossed lovers in high school.

The Holiday Fling by almighty_trice [one shot]
AU, Jun goes to Paris where Mao is his travel guide.

Six Months by almighty_trice [ongoing]
RL, Jun and Mao who has been married for years are getting a divorce.

Crack Fics (includes some yaoi)
I recommend you don't drink/eat whilst reading

The Greatest Matsujun/Zac Movie Premiere Encounter Story of All Time by astrangestorm [one-shot]
RL, the most random pairing I have ever read in this fandom. Pure crack to the max. Jun and Zac Effron.

A Film by Ninomiya Kazunari by  astrangestorm  [one-shot]
AU, the title says all. Nino is directing a film with the other members as the cast. Pure crack and quirky references.

Wonder Years Series by  oviparousfic  [collection of one-shots?]
AU, the five members of Arashi are college students and they pass hilarious notes to each other during class.

Habitat Series by oviparousfic  [collection of one-shots?]
RL, the five members of Arashi live together for a reality show.

We are Connected: A Twitter Fic by oviparousfic  [one-shot]
RL, the five members of Arashi's twitter timelines.

M4M: The Gyudon Bowl by  astrangestorm  [one-shot]
RL, the cracking crazy naughty things that five members of Arashi can do in cyberspace. Slight Sakumoto.

Yaoi (various pairings)

Derail by andiepiano [one shot, 3 parts, sakumoto]
RL, Future fic, Both Jun and Sho are married, but not to each other.

Arashi Gen Fics

All Together Now by primroseshows  [one-shot, 2 parts]
RL, Future fic, 10 years from now Arashi members are drifting away from each other. Then shit happens. Prepare tissues before reading.

Two Months and Gallons of Tears Later by shojunniji [one shot, jun-centric]
RL, reality based depiction of Jun's visit to Sendai after the Great Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami.

Matsumoto Jun X Original Character

We Could Have Been a Fairytale by skyhorse8  [one-shot]
RL, POV style fic about the deterioration of a relationship

My Story with Him by qtkaye_1734 at aibakaland [chaptered, completed]
RL, a classic heartbreaking love story about an ordinary girl and an idol. Prepare tissues before reading.

Matsujun-sama by keira_aoi [chaptered, completed]
RL, this is the first fanfic I ever read. A romantic story between Jun and an anonymous staff/fan.

ficrecs, !masterpost

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