Sep 02, 2006 19:19
To tell the story briefly...
Labor Day is celebrated in America on the first Monday of September. It's origins start in 1882 the first annual parade organized by the Knights of Labor in Toronto, Canada took place and every first monday in September since then.
Concurrently in early May 1886 there was a riot in Chicago's Haymarket. The Haymarket strike and subsequent riot was instigated as a demand for an 8 hour work week. And it did lead to legislation for a weekend and 8 hour work day restrictions in the United States.
In a stealthy move by President Grover Cleveland in 1887, the first monday of September was to become the offical American Labor Day. While the countries that supported the internationist worker movements adopted May Day, or May 1st as their Labor Day.
It's it great to be a part of the placated masses?!