Uh, Seriously?

Dec 16, 2008 14:48

I hit FIRE's website looking at another incident they are publicizing and decided to look up Harvey Mudd. Apparently since I went there they have gotten a bit silly about "bias incidents". Case in point:

Then, a week later, Harvey Mudd College Dean of Students Jeanne Noda e-mailed all students to note that someone had written "Hillary is a foxy lesbian" on a whiteboard. According to Noda,

"It seems that the student residents wrote this message as part of a joke, without thinking about the impact it might have on others. It refers to a prominent public figure. The message has been erased. Campus Safety has been notified."

I won't deny that this is offensive, because it is (though I'd also say it's pretty mild as sexist anti-Hillary jokes go). Since there is no mention of a pattern, I'm really curious why 2 seconds with a whiteboard eraser didn't solve the situation rather than an investigation and notification of "Campus Safety" (apparently this is what they now call Campus Security).

More recently, there is this:

This latest incident came about because of an advertisement for a "Wild Wild West" party with a picture of Jesus holding a beer and a cigarette, with the caption, "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the West and have come to party."

I think this is a pretty funny poster, myself. I certainly can see how some might consider it blasphemous, but tough cookies. Freedom of speech does not include freedom from being offended.

The article goes on to say this:

HMC is the only college in the Claremont Consortium ranked as a red-light school in FIRE's Spotlight database of speech codes.

Ouch. Just ouch. When did HMC go off the deep end by drinking the "No one may ever be offended" Kool-Aid?

anti-harassment, college, hmc, fire

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