Don't make yourself so avialable

Apr 21, 2010 16:25

I've had this journal since high school.
I don't usually post here...

I am pissed off right now.
Been trying to do something fun with Maha for a while now.

Tried to watch documentaries with her.
She canceled on me twice. Never happened.

Tried to take her dancing, no luck. But she did go out with
Salim and Ernesto.

Tried to get her to come play on trampoline.
Almost. She rescheduled once. Then canceled.

But, she's been finding plenty of time for some other guy.
Combine jealousy with the fact that... I don't like to be de-prioritized.
Combine it with the fact that, I take things very personally...

So... New rule...
Stay away from her for a while.
Wait for her to call you.
If she wants to do something with me... It has to be fun.
And it has to be now. Plan privileges are revoked.

I vowed I would never wait on anyone ever again since highschool.
I don't want a repeat of highschool.
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