Random stuff. Much information, little explanation. Very unlike me. Notes instead of a book.

Nov 05, 2007 22:09

Annanaki came to earth 400,000 years ago.
Henry Kissengers thesis "the Meaning of history"
Prodject Paper Clip

Why not take the most intelligent people on the enemy side and have them come work for you?
After all, troops are nothing but pawns. Why not steal your enemie's pawn?

The enemy being a few high up people in the goverment. Stealing their soldiers
would just be like stealing their guns.

Gillian Burray

Finance both sides of a war and make money off of it.

Phase Transition. Get enough atoms to line up, and all else will follow. 100 is critical mass.

3rd leading cause of death: Drugs perscribed by doctors.

1. Levels of Depression. Or eating a lot. OverGiving.
Think about others and not yourself boost sarotonin levels.
Giving too much leaves to overwhelming.
8x more blood to center of brain when low on serotonin. (Center of brain = emotional.)
Not enough omega-3. Not enough Minerals. Need nutritional support for serotonin production.

Women want to talk after work to produce serotonin.
Men want to watch TV after work to produce dopamine.
If a guy falls asleep in class it is due to a lack of dopamine.
(Woah... So.. falling asleep while trying to work doesn't neccessarily mean you don't have enough energy,
it can mean you are not interested.)

Women loose ability of feel love in relationship.
Men loose interest in relationship.

Prozac simulates production of serotonin in brain. Brain THINKS it is making enough.
Leads to brain producing LESS serotonin. Serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
Doubles cortozol. Stress and Aging hormone.

10 studies, placebo does BETTER than the drug.
11th study, they find drug does better than placebo, then turn in those results.

Omega 3 fatty acids help produce serotonin. So eat fish. Yummy.

Microwaves are illegal in russia because of their health effects.
Energy potential in food depleted 60 to 90 percent.
Bonds radio active elements in air to food.
Destroys protiens and other nutrients.
Just being around microwaved food is bad for health.

Now you know why they call it "nuking"
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