(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 17:45

... (Elipse)

Leonard says:
i know you're flipping
J Mizzel says:
How could you see my camera if it is taking the video?
Leonard says:
and doing a killer job of it
Leonard says:
Leonard says:
who was the cameraman
Leonard says:
J Mizzel says:
J Mizzel says:
He is just one of the guys who takes lessons there as well.
J Mizzel says:
I go to the adult lessons at 9PM on wednesday.
Leonard says:
he has digital camera that does video clips
J Mizzel says:
I dont have school wednesday, so I usually draw for six hours and then go there.
Leonard says:
and clipped ya
Leonard says:
sounds like fun
Leonard says:
and looks like your practice is paying off
Leonard says:
some very intense filps there
J Mizzel says:
Yeah, I am just focusing on things I am not scared to do.
Leonard says:
J Mizzel says:
Nothing there is backwards really.
J Mizzel says:
And thats what scares me.
Leonard says:
and just makesure you dont hurt yourself
Leonard says:
J Mizzel says:
I wont.
Leonard says:
can you remember you dont have INSURANCE
Leonard says:

J Mizzel says:
Only my toe.
Leonard says:
we talked about it today
Leonard says:
your toe
Leonard says:
what happened to your toe
J Mizzel says:
Well, its just the part of my body I usually hurt.
J Mizzel says:
It happens on bad landings sometimes.
Leonard says:
Leonard says:
breakem and let them heal on there own
Leonard says:
ole cripple toes
Leonard says:
that will be your indian name
J Mizzel says:
Only my left toe.
Leonard says:
hee hee
Leonard says:
you be careful
Leonard says:
did you break it
J Mizzel says:
Because I only hurt my toe if I put excess pressure on it.
J Mizzel says:
I dont know.
J Mizzel says:
It doesnt hurt anymore.
Leonard says:
cuz it finished healing
J Mizzel says:
But about a year ago it hurt for a long time.
Leonard says:
probably busted it a while back
J Mizzel says:
Like, hurt for a year or so.
Leonard says:
thats funny
Leonard says:
thats probably what happened
J Mizzel says:
But it didn't hurt enough to stop me.
Leonard says:
dont think they do anything for toes when you break them
Leonard says:
does it look crooked
Leonard says:
he eh eh eheeee
J Mizzel says:
Personally, I think I fractured it a while back.
Leonard says:
J Mizzel says:
So, it wouldn't be crooked.
Leonard says:
i'll go with that
Leonard says:
Leonard says:
ole fractured toe
J Mizzel says:
But, I bet my toe is stronger now.
Leonard says:
yeah, like a branch in the wind - grasshopper
Leonard says:
what dont kill ya
Leonard says:
makes you stronger
J Mizzel says:
Because I think bones are stronger in the area that they heal.
Leonard says:
right from all the calcium build up of the bodies natural welding
Leonard says:
big and fat, but strong and straight
Leonard says:
the fractured toe
Leonard says:
which toe?
J Mizzel says:
Left toe.
J Mizzel says:
As in, big toel
Leonard says:
big toe?
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
hee hee
Leonard says:
the others just go for a ride anyway
Leonard says:
figures it would be the big toe
Leonard says:
he does all the work
J Mizzel says:
Strength in your toes is crucial to getting air.
J Mizzel says:
If you use your muscles right, even solid ground acts like a trampoline.
Leonard says:
guys with no toes get little air time eh
Leonard says:
yeah, you just keep thinking that
J Mizzel says:
But, grass is as dangerous as I get.
Leonard says:
when you come down on your head that trampoline will not feel so springy
J Mizzel says:
I've come down on my head on a floor before.
Leonard says:
well, we will save those files and look forward to more
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
thas how i'll find you in a crowd
Leonard says:
guy with his neck tilted to one side
Leonard says:
Leonard says:
but tilted
Leonard says:
ear to shoulder
J Mizzel says:
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
be like that dr guy in the chair
Leonard says:
i always forget his name
Leonard says:
when ever i try to remember him
Leonard says:
Leonard says:
Leonard says:
hee hee ehe hee hee
J Mizzel says:
Who is that?
Leonard says:
you'll be all smart and blow in a tube to move your chair around
Leonard says:
he is a famous scientist
Leonard says:
but he is like a parapoligic
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
sits in the most kick wheelchair
Leonard says:
like that southpark episode
J Mizzel says:
More time for video games then I guess.
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
where the lady in the trick chair gets fried
J Mizzel says:
I like actually being able to flip than just playing a game.
Leonard says:
the boys are afraid of Mark Tedderman
J Mizzel says:
And, If I could run around with a sword and slay demons, I think I'd do that instead of play video games too.
Leonard says:
well being fit is good
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
hee hee
Leonard says:
i would do that instead of work
Leonard says:
but there are bills to pay
J Mizzel says:
People would pay good for monster killers I am sure.
Leonard says:
oh, an we could use to send our son some money so he can get smarter and not have to slay dragons for a living
J Mizzel says:
Leonard says:
if there were any frickin monsters
J Mizzel says:
Terminex people.
J Mizzel says:
They slay tiny monsters.
Leonard says:
oh man
J Mizzel says:
Like cockroaches.
Leonard says:
now your gonna grow up and be an exterminator
J Mizzel says:
And centipedes.
Leonard says:
hee heehehee
Leonard says:
that guy comes in once every three months to one of my clients
Leonard says:
real nice guy
Leonard says:
but i think 20+ years of exposure to his chemicals has made him permanantly stoned
Leonard says:
he looks like a pirate
Leonard says:
and carries no sword
Leonard says:
just a bucket of poison spray
Leonard says:
hee heheehe
J Mizzel says:
That would be an interesting game.
J Mizzel says:
Playing an exterminator who has to kill giant bugs.
J Mizzel says:
But only has a small can of insecticide to do it with.
Leonard says:
yeah, you go to a house and the little old lady says she thinks she has a mouse

... (Elispe)
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