(no subject)

Jan 03, 2006 18:49

Ummmm.... Stores close early because it is around the holiday. I was too lazy to get up early to go buy my school books today, but I did order the one book that was only available from the author's website.

I am getting kind of bored, sitting around here with nothing to do. I think I'll do some gymnastics tomorrow on wednesday at this one place. I am going to take an adult class. So that probably means me and a whole bunch of old people who can't do anything.

I was thinking about finishing my cover for my bean bag today, but it turns out that I forgot my ribbon at Laura's house, or at least I think that to be the case. I guess I will have to go buy some more.

I've found that it is most likely more cost effective to buy juice than to juice juice. Not only that, but buying juice is less time consuming. Time is hard to come by. Well, easy to come by right now, but when school starts it will be hard to come by.

So, I was thinking about what Carrie said to me at the "Chocolate Party" at her house. She told me something to the effect of, "When I liked you, it was not because I found you attractive, it was because you were a good conversationalist" Then she made the point that, if you date someone because they are attractive, eventually when you get older and ugly, it wont be a good relationship because you'll have nothing in common anymore and nothing interesting to talk about.

Anyways, I agree that personality is an important aspect, for the same reasons Carrie thinks that personality is an important aspect. However, I don't understand how my personality alone could justify her liking of someone.

I've said this a lot, but let me say it again. If relationships were soley based on personality, most of us would be gay.

If personality is the only determining factor, why don't you go out with Jackie?

Anyways, what Carrie told me made me realize just how vain I am. Because I've always thought that I'd like a girlfriend who likes me for my personality. Now I realize that I need both. I guess, just one aspect is not enough. If a girl was my girlfriend just because I was a nice guy who had a lot of interesting things to say, I'd wonder why I have the title boyfriend instead of just friend. If I had a girlfriend who liked me just because of the way I looked, well, first I'd be skeptical of that, seeing that very few women have called me hot. And I think every time that happened I was well dressed. (Women are attracted to guy's cloths, not actual guys.) And, even when I get hit on, I usually pay no attention, I take it as a joke. I know how girls like to hit on guys just to fuck around with them. Not all, but a lot like to fuck around with you because they have fun toying with your emotions.

Well anyways, if a girl went out with me just because I was hot or what not, I'd probably feel used.

Maybe I should re-phrase that, MIS-used.

I am a whole person, therefore I desire in a relationship to be appreciated for all of my apects. To appeciate me just for my good conversation, or for my looks is to mis-use me.

I can love someone and enjoy their conversation, but still not want to go out with them. I love Dave, and I enjoy talking to him, but I'd never thought about going out with him. Why not? Because I do not LUST him. AKA, Not physically attracted to him.

I advocate a balance between intellectual and instictual attraction. Maybe instincts are too important to me.
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