(no subject)

May 29, 2005 15:23

I am such a gossip...
As usual, Identities are half-ass protected.

Girl: hey
Guy(s): Hey
Guy(s): Did you go to sleep when you got home?
Girl: no i called my friends
Girl: friend*
Guy(s): And just talked on the phone?
Girl: yea
Girl: y?
Guy(s): So. Was it more fun to use the phone that IM?
Girl: yes it was
Girl: i like talkin him better on the phone then online
Guy(s): Why? Does he have a sexy, deep, smooth voice?
Girl: i duuno
Guy(s): i duuuuno?
Girl: u rn't jealous rite
Guy(s): This, is john by the way.
Guy(s): I am just fucking with you.
Girl: i know
Guy(s): No. I dont get jealous that easily.
Girl: is this still john
Guy(s): I only get jealous if I am going out with someone and they do something with another guy without telling me.
Guy(s): Yes.
Girl: i know u wouldn't
Girl: i thought dave was there
Girl: so i was askin that to him
Guy(s): Well. Dont worry about him.
Guy(s): He had a good night last night.
Guy(s): I dont think he is going to get jealous any time soon.
Girl: oh wut did he do
Girl: lol
Guy(s): We wouldn't wan't to spread any rumours.
Guy(s): But, lets just say, they are more than friends now.
Guy(s): But no, he didn't get laid.
Guy(s): Cause, I know you got a dirty mind.
Girl: who?
Girl: dave n who
Guy(s): Laura.
Girl: bf/gf
Guy(s): Well, like I told michelle....Guy(s): You dont stick your tounge down someone's throat if you dont like them.
Guy(s): YES. I think.
Girl: can i talk to dave please
Guy(s): Sure.
Guy(s): Hey!
Guy(s): I am kind of busy eating chinese. Would you like an eggrole?
Guy(s): :-P
Girl: eww no
Girl: so i hear u have a gf now
Guy(s): Yup. Iv been looking at the screen.
Girl: i thought laura didn't like u
Guy(s): So did I.
Girl: ic
Girl: so u asked her out
Guy(s): We kind of decided we were going to be together. I am not sure if I asked her out.
Girl: going to be together?
Guy(s): Yes.
Girl: like 4eva?
Guy(s): I hope so.
Guy(s): You can never tell the future though.
Girl: do u love her
Guy(s): I am very cautious about saying that.
Guy(s): John would like to know how you define love.
Girl: love is a feel in your stomach n u just can't get enough of them
Guy(s): I really care about her, and she makes me happy.
Guy(s): Whatever the word for that is.
Girl: uh huh
Girl: r u tryin to make me jealous or is this for real
Guy(s): No, hes not trying to make you jealous. (John)
Guy(s): Does that mean you like Dave? (John)
Girl: i don't matter
Girl: it*
Guy(s): Is that a "I am not answering this question" remark? (John)
Girl: i guess so
Girl: it wouldn't matter if i did or didn't now
Girl: so y bother answer the question
Guy(s): Because it is a simple question and is easily answered.
Guy(s): And there is no bother in answering.
Guy(s): By the way, it's john talking right now.
Girl: u just agreed wit me
Guy(s): No.
Girl: 2004: And there is no bother in answering.
Guy(s): Exactly. YOu said "WHY bother" and I contradicted it by saying "It is no bother". AKA it is not a bother.
Guy(s): To say something is a bother is to say it takes effort.
Guy(s): But it is rather effortless to answer.
Guy(s): "Why bother?" insinuates something is a bother. While "There is not bother in answering" insinuates something is not a bother.
Girl: omg
Guy(s): Looks like I am 3 for 3 for pissing people off.
Girl: how about if i talk to dave now
Girl: n it seems u just want to know anywayz
Guy(s): Hello
Guy(s): Whats goin on?
Girl: nm
Girl: just gettin pist off
Guy(s): How come ur gettin pissed?
Girl: b/c of wut john is sayim
Girl: seriously it don't matter wut i think of u anymore
Guy(s): Is he spreading rumors or something?
Guy(s): Why would ya say that?
Girl: like if i do or don't like u
Girl: it don't matter anymore
Girl: n he's not processin it
Guy(s): I see.
Guy(s): Hes just a curious kind of fellow
Guy(s): Always trying to figure out other people.
Girl: ic
Guy(s): John also would like to know why you are afraid of his house.
Girl: well i'm glad u r happy now
Girl: n i guess michelle won her bet too
Girl: so r u not going to talk to me?
Guy(s): Well, I guess michelle did win the bet. Because i can answer questions.
Girl: wut questions
Guy(s): And john will talk to ya too but i dont think ya like him
Girl: why won't u talk to me
Guy(s): i took the michelle statement as a question.
Guy(s): Im talkin right now
Guy(s): NOOOOOO!!!!!! I cant type.
Girl: how can u take it as a question
Guy(s): You put guess in the beginning of the sentence
Girl: hbt...michelle won her bet
Girl: the bet*
Girl: not her bet*
Guy(s): what was the bet?
Girl: u told her that u could get me in bed
Girl: so she won the bet
Guy(s): lol so how much do i owe her?

Girl: $2
Girl: 0
Guy(s): Jonny can be the payment....:-P (dave)
Girl: no u owe her $20
Guy(s): lol no i dont
Girl: u lost
Guy(s): i didnt bet $$ though
Girl: i did for her
Girl: wow u rn't talkive today
Girl: is it b/c u don't wanna talk to me
Guy(s): No im just surfin the internet
Girl: oh
Guy(s): So, what do you want to talk about lady?
Girl: so u r serious that u n laura r going out or u r just tryin to make me jealous
Guy(s): 100% serious.
Girl: kk
Guy(s): I didn't think you would be jealous because you were talking about how you were on the phone with this other guy.
Girl: well i'm glad u finally got wut u wanted
Girl: he lives in californina n he's 21
Girl: do u think anything is really gonna happen rite now
Girl: i'm jail bait for him
Guy(s): I am over 18 too.
Guy(s): So you are jail bait for me too.
Girl: but he lives n california
Girl: n my mom won't press charges
Guy(s): What about daddy?
Girl: he wouldn't either
Guy(s): Dave just answered the phone. He is upstairs.
Guy(s): Hes back.
Guy(s): Sister is on the phone
Girl: so...they is kinda difference
Guy(s): Kinda? Like only 6 months in prison rather than a year?
Girl: no i mean
Girl: he's in california
Girl: n u r in ap
Guy(s): Is jail in california worse?
Girl: that's not my point
Girl: nothing could happen btw us
Guy(s): I know, especially in california, with those prisons.
Girl: it's like hey mom i'm going to california i'll be back in a couple dayz
Girl: that's really going to happen
Guy(s): IDK. How much $$ does he have?
Girl: how do u know he wouldn't do anything wit me
Girl: that has a lot
Girl: he's house is worth around $1.8 million
Guy(s): Is he a pimp?
Girl: nope
Girl: is this dave
Guy(s): Johnny says "good guess".
Girl: so like there is no reason for u to be jealous
Girl signed off at 2:48:34 PM.
Girl signed on at 2:49:27 PM.
Girl: rite
Guy(s): You are back. I was afraid you would never come back.
Girl: rite?
Guy(s): wrong?
Guy(s): So, hows them pistons?
Girl: wrong how
Guy(s): How about them californians?
Girl: no
Girl: answer my question
Girl: y is there a reason to be jealous
Guy(s): Who's jealous?
Girl: u
Girl: just nvm
Girl: well i'm out
Girl: ttyl
Guy(s): Okay. Bye!
Girl signed off at 3:06:55 PM
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