Sinus/nasal Infection/Rant

Dec 07, 2015 19:43

Just came back from the doctors, all I needed was a doctors note to return to work. I work for a daycare so it's an essential item when fallen sick. Though it sucks for me cause I hate doctors and their beyond freezing patient rooms, I get that keeping it below standard cold keeps the bacteria or germs away, but come on!! People go there to get better from sickness, not to acquire frostbite and yes I know I'm exaggerating, but it was FREEZING!! And another reason I don't like doctors is that I go there for one thing, well two, a doctors note and the prescribed drugs that will result in my recovery. This woman wanted me to purchase a nebulizer treatment, two injections, Claritin, another sinus medicine, and the antibiotic, oh AND wanted me to get blood work done, and can anyone say reaching? I'm just ranting, because it was a little frustrating, I looked at the nurse like, "Is she for real?" and the nurse said, "It's not necessary, but if you were to purchase it would cost 190."....190 bucks, yeah I don't think so! "I will take just the antibiotic, and I could just purchase the Claritin, and other sinus medicine at the store right?" is what I told her. Doctors are cray!! Hopefully the antibiotic makes this go away, just looking at a bright light makes my headache.
Other than this standard escapade, and feeling like poop, my weekend was wonderful. I spent it in the company of great friends...and shopping (which low key makes them better company) I'm just kidding friends, if your reading this, probably not. I lurvs you <3

entry, doctors, weekend, rant

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