Oct 31, 2009 19:12
boy, I sure am enjoying the new Editors songs I've heard.
one of the perks of living in Lesleyland is that I get to meet a lot of interesting people, such as this chap Tyler that works at the upstairs women's section at Blackbird in Ballard. he is a trick bike rider, and will be in a film screening at the Central Cinema 11/15. he's also in the fashion design program at the Art Institute. Lesley has some strange ability to draw random conversations out of complete strangers. not just in the usual shooting the breeze, how's the weather kind of way either. it makes wandering around with her a lot more interesting than just hanging out alone.
and tonight we're heading out to Josephine in Ballard for halloween, me as a beatnik, and her as a spot on metal chick, Motley Crue t-shirt with fringe sleeves, spandex and all.