(no subject)

Sep 16, 2004 17:30

Have You Ever:
1. Given anyone a bath: yes
2. Smoked: helllll no
3. Bungee jumped: nope
4. Made yourself throw-up: ewwwww absolutely not
5. Skinny dipped: nooo
6. Been in love: yes i am now
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yep
8. Pictured your crush naked: ohhhhh yea
9. Seen your crush naked:i wish
10. Cried when someone died: no
11. Lied: millions of times
12. Fallen for your best friend: no
13. Been rejected: yea
14. Rejected someone: yea
15. Used someone: noooo
16. Done something you regret: yes thousands of times
1. Clothes: jeans and a t-shirt
2. Music: rap
3. Make-up: dont wear any
4. Annoyance: jackson quick and jonathon hendrix
5. Smell: i dont have one???
6. Favorite artist: dont have one
7. Desktop picture: rocks in sedona
8. Book your reading: i dont read
9. Cd in player: usher

Are You:
1. Understanding:yes
2. Open-minded: i dont really know
3. Arrogant: no
4. Insecure: not really
5. Interesting:very
6. Hungry: yes
7. Smart: kinda i am a blonde
8. Moody: sometimes
9. Hardworking: sometimes
10. Organized: nope
11. Healthy: i hope so
12. Shy: sometimes
13. Attractive: i think i am ugly
14. Bored easily: very easily
15. Responsible: maybe
16. Obsessed: with what?????
17. Angry: about.....????????
18. Sad: not at the moment
19. Disappointed: yes
20. Happy: in a way
21. Hyper: very
22. Trusting: i normally dont trust many ppl
23. Talkative: i dont stop
24. Legal: yes

Who Do You Want To:
1. Kill: jackson
2. Slap: jackson
4. Look like: jessica simpson
5. Talk to offline: travis
6. Talk to online: travis

1. In the morning I am: moody
2. All I need is: a boyfriend
3. Love is: amazing
4. I dream about: everything

well i stole this from tara again !!! i love ya tara and ur a great dancer they r stupid 4 rejecting u. remember its their lose not urs. neways, today was really boring. i asked ppl if they wanted 2 go 2 the movies but noone could go. well call me cuz i am the most boringest person ever. well ttyl yalllllllll
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