Sep 18, 2011 22:33
I have been kind of focusing lately. It looks like I could reasonably handle a job and go to school at the same time. I think I will.
I plan on planting some trees this year. I think we can at least have a line of nice hardwoods started at the west edge of the property. I say at least, but it is the most difficult thing to do. Hardwoods are slow to catch in the open and a set of saplings is sure to attract deer. I feel like planting them from the nut is the only real way to feel rewarded by it. I know we need to find another tulip poplar to pollinate this one with. Right now I don't think the seeds are fertile. I have my stock of Red Oak to plant, now I need to collect hickory nuts and some White Oak. Think the one by the house is a White Oak. Good results have come from tilling and then planting, and so we will till a strip and then plant. We'll see how it goes.
While splitting firewood I found some really straight grained logs and was able to grab a few fairly square pieces out with the maul. I really have an aversion towards hand tools and in this case I was rewarded. One is Oak, and the other I cannot place. I thought Black Locust, but it does not glow under a black light. I think I could turn them into spindles for a chair. That is kind of the winter project. Just a chair. I think I can.
I know I can actually. Just time to start doing the things I know I can. The rest will follow, or at least then I could have some pretty nice furniture and a warm place to sleep.