when life gives you lemons choke on them and die you stupid lemon eater

Dec 10, 2005 07:55

i fuckin love dilbert. anyway i got home about 40 minutes ago. i am fcuking fucimbng drunk. prossy pubs.!!!!! yeh life at the palce. rhea and i were walking home... we went via bp and then went to this dudes house. they hooked up. it was odd. it was funny. i might have ruined things. hahahahahahahahahahha oh well anyway i can';t sleep becauset theo0oo drunk. so i rang grant for half an hour fucking big phone bill. anyway he's coming home! TRIPS to mackay for mee this summer and lots of them i hope :/ huss. oh well love it. so drunk before rhea and i decided where are never going out together atgain we were gonna go to black river rodEo for new years. cowboys for me and for you hahahahaha no. i am no huss. ok. going to see catherine and baby later today so last night crazy met randoms met some great girls who will totally be my new friends if i stay here! teachers at the highschool anyway all these old men kept hitting on me and ready! he was so drunk it was funny and lauren thought it would be michael ahhahahahahaha anyway fucking signing offfffffffffffffffffffff ok byeldiehjnsf my mum jidt came in and was like when did you get home so i told her how we went to anthony dude someones house because he had drinks for me and him and rhea had kisses and she goes how come you didn't kiss him... umm i probably could have BUT IF YOU KISS PROERPIEN PEOPLE YOU END UOP MARRIED TO PROSERPINE PEOPLE AND STUCK IN PROSPRIEOJE FOR YOUR WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE NO WAY NO THANKS
ok 40 yr old vifing time!! and time for some freaking fooooooode!!! starving matrtion i should have got food at bp like everyone else but no cash for me i was meant to spend 15$ i spent 40$ only ten dollar left for a week and half!!! fuck! not even enough to get into harry potter when i take jasmine hent she comes home tuesday :D i got new togs am i the only person that calls them that? two peieces whatever anyway gotta go swimming to make used ot them but the pool now costs 2.50 i remember when it was 50c!! i never fucking have service in this shite town love it love it whatever.
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