Jul 15, 2008 01:32
apparently some time during the night some asshole decided to steal the face off my car stereo. they also rifled through the crap in my console/glove compartment, but i don't have anything of value in there. it was parked right in front of nhan's house. they didn't even take the stereo itself, just the face. the fact that it was right in front of his house (which is not a busy road and it really out of the way) and nothing important was even taken or broken makes me think that the people who did it know us. the face of the stereo is easy enough to replace, it's not going for much on ebay. the thing that pisses me off is that this is where i am living goddamnit. How am I supposed to be comfortable? also, they left the door open and it rained last night. i don't know how i come by so many enemies.
in other news, my brother's girlfriend's uncle ... yeah .. said that he would rent the third floor of some place to them for 400 a month. they are currently renovating it so that it has a bathroom and a kitchen. it should be done in a few months and he won't give it to him unless he has a job so travis has actually been applying to places, and so has melissa. i would be baffled if he actually got his shit together enough to have a place. even a place that cheap. lets say they each pay half (which i doubt will happen i'm sure she'll sit on her ass and expect him to cover everything) that's still at least 400 a month including rent, food, gas, heat and electricity. I'd be so happy for him if he could take care of himself.
i'm trying to find a bookcase. nhan and i have stacks and stacks of books that are just gathering dust and looking dumpy. I have boxes here and my parent's house. i really want a bookcase for them. i found one on ebay that's 4 feet tall and is only a dollar right now... it's pick up only but 40 miles away for such a cheap find isn't so bad. i know you guys are really interested in it =)
i'm hanging out with sara young tomorrow. and her kids.
ya know? soldiers make a shitload of money. all the young mothers i know are either living in poverty or their husbands are in the military. that's probably just a strange coincidence, but still ... dan makes enough to support 5 kids and his wife. nick can support two kids and his wife and put her through school. rob and slawski are both rolling in money. i guess if patriotism can't get you a big enough army all you have to do is give them some hard-earned tax dollars.
tom waits was cute when he was young...
i'm over-tired.