Soccer Hooligan

Jun 01, 2005 04:31

So this has been the greatest week in sports history. LIVERPOOL is UEFA Cup Champions England beat Columbia which was a great game. My boy Micheal Owen Scored 3 goals and I finally got to see David Beckham play. and I am officially a Soccer Hooligan. I Brian Jagusak am Offically banned from Giant Stadium until furthur notice. The reason I am banned is because of "Improper Behavior" I had to get my picture taken with this little piece of paper that im keeping and framing. ALL this because i tried to switch jersey's "so i could support my metrostars" during half time and they wouldnt let me back in. So now i have to write a letter to some guy pleading my case. they didnt even give me my ticket stub back and i was almost arrested. If this sounds bad to anyone trust me im the victim here and if you want more details feel free to contact me.
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