So this past weekend and by weekend I mean Friday and Saturday we went to bath. The whole trip was basically looking at rocks and really old stuff. So this first place we went to this first place which was kinda cool because it had all these huge rocks in the middle of a field and I guess it stretched on forever, but then we went to this ruin of "the abby" and that was kinda not fun. But then we walked up the tor which means hill. However, Andrew, Kate, Jeff, Dave, Kafer, and myself took the umm lets just say scenic route. We walked through this cow pasture, which wasn't so bad and we looked at sheep. But then we made a wrong turn and started walking through mud. And to top it off Kafer slipped and that was prolly the funniest moment on the trip. But after a very long and steep walk we made it to the top where I ran into Max, and Andrew had to do his "arm" shot.... But the view was amaZing.
That night at the YMCA at Bath I roomed with Valerie, Amy, and Kafer. It was a bonding experience, especially since I didn't sign up for a room, but Amy was fun and that night when we Valerie, Kafer and I were in bed. Because Amy was with Tom we made fun of Kafer talking way too loud and she didn't get the point. But earlier in the night we went to whetherspoons (the cheapest bar) to get food and drink, and then we went to this other bar which almost all of the london kids were at, where I ran into Max who gave me chocolate. I like Max a lot, but whatever, and appearently almost hooked up with Christian which I don't remember, but Artie has the pictures to prove it. But I'm pretty sure i had no intention of hooking up with Christian. Anyways, since I didn't want to spend anymore money on drinks people kept on buying them for me like Bill, Tom, Kevin, Christian, and other random boys. I don't know how I do it, but I guess i'm good at it.
After we leave together, Kafer and I decide to get pizza which happens to be about ten feet away from the alley to the YMCA but Kafer and I being way too drunk can't figure out how to get home and walking around in circles calling Andrew about 4 times, until we finally saw the sign to the YMCA which was literally right next to the pizza place. The funny thing about that is when I finished my pizza I put the box on top of a trash can right and we kept on walking past it.
The next day we went to Stonehenge, and let me tell you that I'm a little dissappointed, because I seriously thought that the rocks were WAY bigger. But I guess its the experience that matters and not the size... right?
Oh and I forgot to mention that I had a conversation with Steph... who said that Ian gets old and boring after a while... And then I saw her making out with Ryan and then later on that night she went home with Bob. Which the moment I saw that I called Emily with the devastating news.