Sep 18, 2008 22:59
Stolen from Wind_4
If you were Sarah Palin, what would you name *your* children:
1)Your first-born will be named after your favorite sport.
2)Your second-born will be named after a nearby area that you're not from but you like the sound of part of the name, and maybe you have nostalgic memories of said place.
3)Your third-born will be named after another nearby place, for no reason other than you already have two children and don't have time to put much thought into another name.
4)Your fourth gets a "cool" name.
5)Your fifth gets something mythological, possibly straight out of Lord of the Rings.
1)Cheese Chaser (boy) or Bog Snorkler (girl)
2)Balls Falls (boy) or Chute -A-Blondeau (girl)
3)Pakenham (boy) or Grassy Narrows (girl)
4)John McCain Jr.
5)Ragnar Danneskjöld