Aug 02, 2010 03:51
SERIOUS SHIT: Why must reality and/or truth be so fucking relative? On some level, a basic truth has to exist though (take your pick, shit piles, this applies to everything. Feel free to 'troll' accordingly) a tasteless example applied can be facebook, and all the trash i read about how hard your life is or how important you think your opinion is when its quite telling how pseudo so many people can be. To me, this is a truth. For many others, facebook and its ever present 'officialdom' of one's social livelihood, shitty gossip exchanges or even some dumb fuck persona so many wish to convey as themselves. This is then followed further by conceptions of what one is inclined to constitute as 'important' or 'real' on some obscure level, out of touch with what I consider rational thought (such as thinking anyone really gives two fucks if you are waiting in line to see some hip and cool movie or the fact that you generally only 'like' something to appear cool, of valid opinion and possible the latest trend-setter). This cycle only breeds further dip shit-ery as people get more desperate to portray themselves to others, really hoping said others will think they are that radical 'IRL,'
made apparent with their ever present words of wisdom, unwavering wit and choice taste. Either way, I digress . Back to point. I ask, can no justice (as in who is right or wrong) be achieved? I shouldn't be such a fucking challenge to calmly articulate what the apparent truth of the matter is. I'm aware everyone is bound by their concepts of reality and other subjective selfishness but can't two people get over themselves and accept the obvious? Perhaps I'm just an idealist. Kinda DURNK too but this is my stream of consciousness at the moment, in the raw, making perfect sense to me and probably very little to a few of you as well as perhaps a bit spurr of the moment. PARADOX: Is one even wrong to try so hard to be impressive yet look like a tool? I realize this inquiry breaks the rule of face book and its advocacy of posting dumb shit that doesn't matter. I've also come to terms with understanding that I may sound like an asshole (I'm not, I promise) with the potentially abrasive content in the wonderful interlude included above (which, for those who don't really know me can disregard) but I think it is safe to say that the truth usually hurts, especially when you're too fucking shitty to get over yourself. I must admit the inspiration of this tangent is geared at no one person inparticular, yet everything all at once, and is mostly coming from the fact that I am sick of coming on here to see everyone act like a bunch of wads who have little respect for others, true friendship or even being real to one another when face to face (the latter three attributes are quite fitting for a few). It is in this spirit that I am humbly inclined to call a few of you out while being obliged to be a representative of those who feel the same way, a sum of which is far from inconsiderable, while all in the good spirit of being sarcastically sincere. At the very least entertain me with something vaguely compelling to add. If you can't do that, post something cryptic and philosophical or simply give up acting like you're fooling everybody, for my sake =) : ) If you can't do any of that, cut the shit, look at my face and tell me how it is, you tactless jokers.
P.S. I'm hardly a stranger to the serious business of the internet, so please refrain from trying to insult my intelligence. Only tasteful bashing welcome, which I suggest. Alright, I think I covered all the bases for posting here. Sorry guys, the thrill of the post is new to me. I hope you all hate it.
On a lighter note, I love most all of you as great friends, even if your abilities to gain my absolute respect are less then satisfactory. Most of you need not worry, however. My respect for you may matter very little. If so, the feeling is already mutual.