Aug 10, 2004 17:02
LostOnion: i dont think our freshman year would have been as awesome if smelly mary wasn't there.....becuase although we all hated her....she provided us with some funny stories and adventures to tell
Megling1285: lol you know its true. I think to a certain degree smelly mary brought us all together, cause its what made me you and jacki even become friends in the first place. I mean someone had to get stuck with smelly mary and it was you which blows, but its all good now cause me and meg dont smell
hahaha that is my future roomate. and yes, me her and jacki became friends because all 3 of us found out that we all secretly hated my roomate. and we bonded.
me and my friends decided that we are going to venture over to 342 and see who is living in there now. and we're just gonna be like 'you guys have NO idea what went down in this room last year. you have no idea how much history is in this room'. and then...
Megling1285: we'll be like get the fuck out of our room
hahahaha oh i love it. i can't fucking wait until 3 weeks from now! AAAHHH!