Aug 01, 2004 00:00
wow what an awesome fucking day. dispatch was INCREDIBLE! and there were so many people there you couldn't move. there were 100,000 people there and they had to shut down storrow drive! it was the largest outcome at a concert for an independent band ever...and it was awesome. during one song, someone started throwing water bottles and shit around, and then all of the sudden, EVERYONE AT THE CONCERT WAS THROWING BOTTLES! there were bottles and beer cans being thrown among the crowd like CRAZY! we were dodging bottles left and right and being sprayed with water and juice and god knows what else lol. the fucking best thing ever happened during all of this. my friend from school, natalia, we were all just so fucked up, but she was REALLY fucked up and shes like throwing bottles everywhere and yelling and being halarious. so she picks up a beer can and screams "mother fuckerrsss!!!" and right as she's about to huck the can, she gets slammed in the FACE with a half empty water bottle and the water explodes ALL OVER HER! all over her face, her shirt everything LOL and she just stood there laughing hysterically, it was the fucking perfect moment like straight out of a movie LOL
they taped this show and are gonna make it into a DVD which everyone should buy because it was the funnest show and the music was perfect. the weather was perfect, my friends from school and home were there, although i'm really upset i didnt get to see Gayle and Sam! gayle is like one of my best friends from school and i haven't seen her all summer and we were gonna meet at the concert but she wasn't getting reception on her phone so she couldn't call and tell us where she was. and we never met up with her and sam! =( oh well, we are hopefully going to see eachother within these next few weeks before school starts again.
well i am exhausted and i smell like beer and sweat and alcohol and smoke and i am filthy. i can't wait to shower!