blah blah blah

May 21, 2015 22:22

The holiday weekend arrived earlier than I expected.  I sort of meant to plan a roadtrip, but I waited to long, so I'll be hanging around.  In theory, Friday is my day off, but I'll be going in to the office for a couple of hours in the morning, then heading to lunch and then maybe a museum stroll. Saturday is errand day (library, Good Will equivalent, consignment shop, etc.).  BBQ on Sunday and baseball on Monday.  Must remember to get NYY tickets for the game Step-dad chose.

There's a new craft shop in my old neighborhood.  I stopped in on impulse when I saw it, and wound up signing up for a class.  It was kind of cool, and I liked the little project we did, so I'll probably try some other stuff.  But I can't watch hockey and concentrate on crafts at the same time; my ability to multi-task does not extend that far.

Step-dad had his procedure, or attempted.  (They ended up doing something less because of proximity of the spinal chord to the vein.  He'll need regular monitoring by his GP.)  He didn't want to stop at my place or park here or have company.  But I kept checking on him by phone, and in the end picked him up and brought him back to my house to stay overnight.  I think he felt like he was humoring me, but he was out like a light, and really was not capable to driving himself home.  After feeding him coffee, eggs, and toast, he was fine and ready to head home.

Not sure what's going on lately, if it's an allergic reaction or what. Or what it could be a reaction to.  But I have been SO itchy.  Even after taking benadryl.

We interrupt this blather to interject -- what a gigantic fucking dive by Andrew Shaw.  Getzlaf's stick never hit his face or head.

Last thought:  OMG, one of my neighbors pretty clearly does not understand how bylaws and a condo association board work.  He wants every own to have input on every single decision and every single expenditure.  And he's an unpleasant jerk who makes ad hominem attacks whenever people disagree with him.  He hasn't volunteered for a committee or to be on the board, but he constantly complains about those who have volunteered.  In fact, he couldn't be bothered to attend, in person or by phone, our last several meetings.  I think he feels like he's being an advocate for residents, but the residents I've spoken to feel pretty alienated by his tone and style, which are condescending, critical, and whiny.

apropos of nothing, oh life it's bigger

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