
Apr 25, 2015 18:36

I get the point of crowdfunding in the equity/investment sphere. I get Kickstarter projects that are going to end in a particular piece of art/media/whatever that funders may either appreciate or have an altruistic reason to want to exist in the world.

But I'm kind of perplexed by a lot of the "projects" I see retweeted or reblogged on social media. When did crowdfunding become about subsidizing basic living expenses?  I'm sort of perplexed by the idea of asking strangers to contribute money to me just because I want things I can't otherwise afford. I mean, people are basically saying things like, "I want to do this internship but can't afford to, so send me money, random strangers, so I can do what I want."  I've recently seen one where a couple is adopting and needs $40,000 ASAP, which WTAF?  Do reputable adoption agencies not check finances first?  How are they going to afford raising a child long-term?

/is confused

wtf, get off my lawn

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