Happy things

Jul 11, 2013 20:36

+  Tickets to see Frank Turner at The Fillmore are mine.  Come to me, my pretties.

+  Tickets to see Kinky Boots are also purchased.  I usually prefer to buy tickets at the discount ticket window in Times Square but it's a popular show and I definitely want to see it when I'm in town later this month.

Between those two, my entertainment budget is pretty much blown for the month.

\o/ for things going well at work at the moment.

~  I fit into a dress size that I haven't worn since college (at least).  Of course, I'm pretty sure that's because of the drunken elves who label women's clothing, since a dress cut the same and labeled a size larger (in the size that I'm mostly wearing now) was extremely tight...as in, eat and drink nothing while wearing this dress.

~  One of the newsletters I subscribe to for work had a really good piece on piracy of movies and music, but I'm thinking it's pretty relevant to readers as well.  If I have time, I'll write about it this weekend.

+  I <3 Judge Cote's opinion in the Apple matter, especially footnote #66.  It essentially boils down to (IMO):  Dear Publishers and Apple:  you are lying liars who lied about price fixing, and I attach no value to what you said and am ignoring it in favor of documentary evidence to the contrary.

:D  And I'm using that icon because the baseball AU has percolated back to the top of my brain.  And the icon is inspirational.

stuff to watch, apropos of nothing, squee, ebooks, music

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