Nora Roberts Bobblehead giveaway

Sep 16, 2011 11:04

It has recently come to my attention via  @SmartBitches Sarah that there is a certain level of demand for the Nora Roberts Bobblehead, which was produced in limited quantities as a promotional item for the Hagerstown Suns in 2007.  See photohere at SBTB, and my post about the game as provenance for the Bobble-Nora.

Sadly, I have pack rat tendencies -- it's genetic.  And a small house.  So I go through closets and shelves fairly ruthlessly once a year, and keep an open box for Good Will donations year round.  And my Nora Bobblehead recently was considered for donation.

But in light of the demand for the Nora Bobblehead, and with a desire that she go to a good home (defined as someone who loves romance novels generally and probably Nora Roberts' work particularly), I'd like to give her away.

So comment here at LiveJournal or at WordPress or Tweet me (@jmc_bks) your favorite Nora Roberts or JD Robb book, or just what you admire or like about Ms. Roberts, and I'll put your name in a drawing for the Bobble-Nora.

The contest will close at midnight Sunday, and the new happy home will be announced on Monday.

book related, miscellanea

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