Apr 16, 2004 14:11
Hey yall. I am in somewhat of a better mood today. I feel like getting people pissed at me. Well only the people I dont like. SO yea what have I been up to? Well nothing really. Niki left for vegas yesterday. Gary is setting up the treating me to report the shit to the police. But like mandi says its been a while and its gonna be a long tough process. And guess what I cant handle it. SO I am not gonna involve the police. They will get theres in plenty other ways. I call my cousin Jason last night. I was pretty upset. You gotta understand. I mean I got the nameless boys laughing it up what they did and it hurts on top of what they already did to me. So I call J and I was talking to him bout what happened. A few phone calls lata I get a phone call back from him. Look out my window and he has his boys gaurding my house. Funny thing is I dont know why he has people guarding my house. Well I get a phone call this morning telling me everything is in place. I like omg! I mean you gotta understand I know I am blood but I dont wanna be the reason he is hurting someone and might get in trouble. I love my cousin to much. Well then you got gary saying hes gonna take care of it. well the thing is everyone is gonna take care of it. The thing is I want someone there to listen. I need someone to listen. I tried calling nick cause I wanted to talk. Thing is he says he was to busy he was going to have sex with his gf. I am like ok. I just wanted to talk to him. I mean he was always good to talk to. But I guess things change huh? Well what eva. I think I have heard all the jokes already. Heres one...."You cant rape the willing." That pissed me off. You all know me. I wasnt willing. damn it. But what ever. well my daughter is finish getting ready. I am bout to go to the mall. woo hoo. yeah right. heres some poems I found cute.
.:ThErE WiLL aLwAyZ Be ThaT [oNe sPeCiaL:..BoY] ThaT No MaTTeR WuT He DoEs To YoU. .[o R . h O w . B a D . H e . h U r T z . u]. .YoU CaN [ N E V E R ] LeT HiM gO.
~*AlthoUgh i wilL aLwaYz LuV u*~ *N ReMemBer The TiMeZ We HaD* *Ur a soRRy AsS baStarD* *N hUrt mE ReaLLy bAd* *alThougH U thInK iTz FuNnY* *n OnlY TiMe WiLl Tell* *paYbackS R a biTcH* *N i hoPe u BuRn In HelL* *AlThouGh u WeRe CUtE* *tHaT i WiLL adMitT* *BuT WheN iT coMeS To BeiN A MaN* ~*HoNeY u AinT GoT sHiT!!*~
well I am out holla at your girl lata.
<3 Jenn