Apr 17, 2011 17:34
Well- as of April 15th, the government shut down the three biggest online poker sights (Full Tilt, Absolute, and Pokerstars). I have been gambling on fulltilt for years, and have enjoyed it as a form of entertainment. It is probably a good thing that I will no longer be able to gamble online, since I probably spent more time and money on there than I would like to admit. I am really gonna miss playing....
It is officially spring break, and I am looking forward to a week off with no students and school obligations. I just recently came off of the busiest week in my school year (including our district orchestra concert and NYSSMA solo festival). The concert was great and my kids performed very well at solo fest. The only other major event left for the year is the 7th and 8th grade orchestra evaluation at Hochstein next month.
I picked up a little bit around the house, and played around a little more with my macbook pro, and installed finale on it (it is a little different than finale on windows, but hopefully I'll get used to it). I downloaded the new AKUS album on itunes and really like it :-) I even practiced my violin for a little while, and read more of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" (only 60 pages left). I should have finished this book weeks ago, but haven't had the time. It's a great novel and I will probably finish it tonight. Maybe I'll have more free time since I can't foster my gambling problem with a simple click of a button.
Darcy finally just came up from his man cave (working on his final paper for the semester). I think he is done working for the day. We will finally be able to watch the "The Fighter" on netflix tonight. It has only been sitting on our table for two weeks :-P